Friday 6 May 2011

PDH Tutorial

Today in PDH we were split up into groups and given a topic in which to teach to primary school aged children.  We were given activities such as brainstorming and we then had to link these brainstorms to a role play which used puppets. Our activity focused on appropriate and inappropriate touching. The other groups completed tasks that focused on unsafe situations, feelings, interpersonal relationships and who they could trust. The effect that these issues may have had on the students and their support systems was also explored.  From this lesson a key point that was learned is that stories, poems and songs usually work really well and should be incorporated whenever it can be. This is an important point to take into classrooms.

PE Tutorial

Today in PE class we focused on warm up games that are appropriate and engaging for students. We had to think about games that you could use if certain materials were available, we were split up and had to create a game within our groups. One of the games that our tutor showed us was one where one person could see and the other was blindfolded. The person that could see had to direct the blindfolded student around an obstacle course in which they were unable to touch certain objects which made the game trickier. This game was extremely effective as it emphasised class involvement and was effective in allowing students to think about what they were saying, consequently tying into English skills.

Upcoming Events

Hi All, I just wanted to remind everyone that we have a few upcoming events this month.
  1. The P&C Meeting on Wednesday ,18th May 2011.
  2. The School Working Bee on Saturday, 28th May 2011.
  3. The Year 3 excursion to the Powerhouse museum.
And finally I would just like to wish all the Mothers and very Happy Mothers Day for this Sunday.